Inductiva API v0.8 release

Luís Sarmento


Cláudia Silva


July 12, 2024


Inductiva APIProjectsTiersOpenFOAMConsoleQuotasSWASH
Inductiva API v0.8 release banner

We are happy to announce the release of v0.8 of Inductiva API. Following v0.7, this has been one more release where we collectively work to respond to feedback provided by our users. For Inductiva, this is quite a satisfactory feeling because we are sure that all our work is really having direct impact on, at least, the user who provided feedback and, very likely, on all the others who will now benefit from a feature improvement or addition.

In general, we believe that v0.8 represents a significant improvement in the overall user experience, both in terms of transparency, metrics and cost-awareness. These three aspects are extremely important for Inductiva since we want to make sure that we provide all the information and advice to users to help them run large-scale simulation jobs on the cloud as easy as possible and with predictable, auditable and understandable costs.

Tiers, Campaigns Capabilities and Quotas

One of the most impactful changes is related to how we now organize users and functionalities. Users are now grouped in Tiers, and Tier basically defines which of the API functionalities are available to users, and which limits (quotas) are user subject to. For example, we have introduced a Freemium Tier that provides free access to running simulations using the computational resources we make available for all users to share (i.e. “the common queue” link?). Other Tiers have more powerful functionalities and more ample quotas, such as for example, allowing users to spin up several dedicated machines with a large number of vCPUs and RAM, or run simulations that require dozens of hours of computation on MPI Clusters.

There are multiple capabilities available in the Inductiva API, as well as several limits on multiple computational aspects. To know more about these, you can consult the document page on this matter we prepared for you.

These capabilities and quotas may change when you enroll in a certain campaign, such as Genesis. Campaigns will boost your capabilities and quotas, and may provide you with free credits, for a limited amount of time. Users can be enrolled in multiple campaigns, but they are assigned to just one Tier. For example, Freemium users that have enrolled in the Genesis campaign can spin up dedicated machines and have access to most functionalities of the API, despite those functionalities not being available in the Freemium Tier. However, at the end of the period of the campaign, capabilities and quotas are set back to the values defined for the Tier the user belongs to.

To check your Tier, campaigns that you as well as the capabilities and limits that apply to your user account, you can do: inductiva user info

More Simulators, More Versions, More flexibility

We are currently making available 14 simulators (including 3 variants of OpenFOAM). But, according to feedback from our users, one thing that is interesting to them is the possibility of using different versions of the same simulator, since they may wish to run simulations that have been prepared for older versions of the simulator. For that reason, we are now introducing legacy versions for some simulators such as SWASH (now v9.01A and v10.01) and XBeach (now v1.23 and 1.24).

To select a specific version of the simulator for your runs, you can now do (for example for SWASH):

Instruction Result
gromacs = inductiva.simulators.SWASH(version="9.01A") Using production image of SWASH version 9.01A
gromacs = inductiva.simulators.SWASH(version="9.01") ValueError: Version 9.01 is not available for simulator SWASH. Available versions are: ['9.01'].
(Simulator version is not available)

For checking all the simulators and versions available in the API you can use the following CLI command: inductiva simulators list

Which will retrieve

 amr-wind              1.4.0
 cans                  2.3.4
 dualsphysics          5.2.1
 fds                   6.8
 gromacs               2022.2
 openfast              3.5.2
 openfoam-esi          2206
 openfoam-foundation   8
 reef3d                24.02
 schism                5.11.0
 splishsplash          2.13.0
 swan                  41.45
 swash                 9.01A, 10.01
 xbeach                1.24, 1.23

Inductiva Console, your UI companion

This release is also important because, for the first time, the Inductiva API Console is becoming more than an onboarding tool (BTW: in v0.8 we also improve the onboarding process for Windows users). From v0.8 on, the Console will become an integral part of the daily experience for our users, and will offer some functionalities similar to the ones available in CLI, as well as other more advanced functionalities such as showing metrics and insights about performance and costs. There are already two relevant sets of information that you can access via the Indutiva API Console. First, you can access a summary of your profile info (click the 3 dots on the top right corner of the screen):

Second, you now have extra functionalities exposed via the left-hand side menu, including the possibility of listing all of your current and past tasks.

You should expect to see additional functionalities constantly being added to the Console from now on, including access to metrics that will allow users to optimize the performance and cost of their runs.

Full description of the changes in this release is available in v0.8 Release Notes (built on top of features released in v.0.7.3)

That’s it!

Now, let’s start changing the world for the better, one simulation timestep at a time!

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